
Eid Al-Adha 2021 – Details and Logistics

By July 12, 2021No Comments

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

Eid Al-Adha will be on Tuesday July 20th, 2021 Insha’Allah.

Due to ongoing pandemic, to prevent overcrowding, we will be holding 4 Salahs, 2 at ICP and 2 at IFP Insha’Allah. Salahs will be at 7:30am and 9:00am simultaneously at both Masajid.

For arrangements purposes, please use the link below to RSVP the Masjid where you are planning to pray, time, and number of attendees from your family.



Salah Locations:

ICP (4125 W Charter Oak Rd)

Men and Boys will be praying in Men’s Musallah and Basement Community Hall
Women and Girls will be praying in Women’s Musallah and Gym

IFP (823 W Salam Dr)

Men and Boys will be praying in Gym
Women and Girls will be praying in Musallah


Safety Rules:

All entrance doors will be left open to avoid any physical contact
All attendees are required to wear face mask
Please bring your own prayer rug
Prayer slots are marked 6 feet apart
Members of same household can pray next to each other
After prayer, NO socializing or handshaking
If you, or anyone in your home is sick, please pray at home


Eid Day – Drive-by pickup Candy Bags, Balloons, Ice Cream Cones (6:30-8:30pm):

  • Insha’Allah on Eid day, we will have drive by pickup of candy bags and balloons for kids, and ice cream cones for all
  • Drive by pick up from mens entrance circle at ICP, 4125 W Charter Oak
  • Nobody gets out of cars
  • We will have volunteers handing out goodies
  • Please click here to RSVP for Eid Salah And Evening Drive-by Event
  • As per the unanimous consent of local physicians ( including Infectious Disease specialist and Critical Care / Lung specialist ), both ICP and IFP have decided to continue all Covid precautions for the time being.

The situation will again be formally reassessed towards the end of July, and then on a monthly basis thereafter to see if any changes can be made to the current restrictions / safety precautions.

Any return to “pre Covid” period will only be done in a very deliberate and gradual manner. And IF need be restrictions reinstated depending upon the prevailing pandemic situation.

Hence mask wearing, praying on one’s own prayer mat and maintaining physical distancing inside the masajids remain in effect till further notice.
Hence, no indoor meals are considered feasible at this point in time either.

May الله سبحان وتعالى ease the pandemic situation further and allow us all to do away with the pandemic restrictions آمين يا رب العالمين.