IFP Sunday School

Welcome to Islamic Foundation of Peoria (IFP) Sunday school! We are a weekend school that has been serving the Muslim community in Peoria and Dunlap since the year 2000. Our school offers classes for students from pre-kindergarten through the high school levels. The school is run solely by dedicated volunteers who serve in administrative positions and as teachers, substitute teachers, and other staff roles. Our vision is to offer excellent, Islamic education in a proper, Islamic environment, so that your child will learn not only the basics of the religion, but how to apply it in their daily lives and be role models in society.

Inshallah, with the help and blessings of Allah (SWT), we will work together to meet this vision and be successful. We take pride in conducting our school in a professional, well-organized manner, with excellent communication to the parents. Jazahka’allah khair for adhering to the policies of the IFP Sunday school at Masjid-As-Salaam. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation and support!

Mission statement

“To teach our children the fundamentals of Islam and how to implement these fundamentals in their daily lives based on Allah’s (SWT) Book “Al-Quran”, and His Messenger, Muhammad’s (SAS) Sunnah.

School Goals

The mission statement, inshallah, will be achieved by the following goals:
1.Teach each student how to read the Qur’an and encourage memorization of surahs.
2.Teach each student how to perform wudu and salah (prayer).
3.Teach the Seerah of the Prophets, with emphasis on Prophet Muhammad (SAS).
4.Teach Islamic basics which include five pillars, etiquettes, fiqh/aqeeda, hadith, and manners.
5.Teach tafsir and tajweed of the Qur’an, current events, and perform service projects.

School Information

Sunday school begins at 10:00AM SHARP and ends at 1:15pm with congregational Dhuhr salah. The school currently has seven levels, and is divided into three periods with a break for lunch. The school begins in August and ends in May. If a classroom reaches maximum capacity, a waiting list may be used.


Registration for the 2022-23 school year have begun. There will be a mandatory Parent orientation announced. Tuition is to be paid at the time of registration, either in one or two payments. Parents are expected to help by volunteering in various events that the school offers, and signup sheets are available during registration. We enroll children beginning from 4 years of age if he/she meets ALL the following criteria:

  • A child must be 4 years old by September 1.
  • A child must be completely potty-trained.
  • A child must be able to stay seated in a chair without disturbing the class.
  • A child must be able to follow basic directions from the teacher.
Registration Form


Tuition Fees (One Year):

  • $350 for one child
  • $500 for two children
  • $ 600 for three children

Parents may choose the option to pay half on current month, and pay the rest in the month of January when the second semester starts which is as following:

  • $175 for one child
  • $250 for two children
  • $300 for three children

Parents may pay the fee in cash or check in an envelope at the Sunday school office while dropping off or picking up their student. The check should be written to Islamic Foundation of Peoria (IFP). Please write down the name of your student on the envelope.

Tution Form
PrincipalBrother Naseem Khan (309) 691-8195
AdministratorSister Rabia Usman (309) 691-8195
TreasurerSister Amatul Karim (309) 691-8195
Book CoordinatorSisters Sobia Saeed and Amna Ali (309) 691-8195
Parent/Teacher Organization ChairSister Nausheed Ahmed (309) 691-8195

To summarize our Parent/Student Handbook, we have highlighted information which we feel is most relevant for you. Our Handbook can be read online, which has all our school policies, grading, and curriculum details (a hard copy is available if requested). We take pride in treating our school in a very professional and organized manner, which is for the benefit of your children. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our policies. Jazahkha’allah!

Registration/Tuition “Donation”: We enroll students starting at age 4 (by Dec.1, must be potty-trained, able to follow basic directions & sit in place) through 18. We have seven levels, and the curriculum for each level is based on two years. Tuition “donation” is due on registration day (or a two payment option is available). All donations MUST be paid on time and are non-refundable. Donations include book rental, supplies, and maintenance fees.

Timeliness: The Sunday school begins at 10:00am SHARP and ends at 1:15pm with Dhuhr salat (Parents should be in masjid at 1:15pm). All students must be in their classrooms at 10:00am, or they will be considered tardy. The first 3 tardy slips will be no charge, but for each additional tardy, the child will be charged a late fee of $1.00 per child due when coming to class. In addition, children who are not picked up after Dhuhr prayer will be charged the after-school care fee of $5.00 per child. After 1:45pm, parents will be charged $10.00 per child. It is unfair to expect our volunteer teachers to spend any additional time after school. When late fee slips are delivered, all parents are expected to be follow and respect the school policy and pay the late fees at the time it is due. Simple recommendation: Don’t be late!

Drop-off/Pick-up Policy: All parents are to legally park their cars in the parking lot and come into the masjid to drop off their child for school or pick up their child. For the safety of the children, we do not want the children crossing the parking lot unattended while other cars are arriving. The entrance to the building is NOT to be blocked at any time for any reason.

Attendance: If your child misses school, whether due to illness or traveling, you must call his/her teacher to notify them, or send a note the following Sunday. If there is no notification, it will be considered an unexcused absence.

Lunch is required for all students. Your child is NOT allowed to skip lunch. At the minimum, a healthy snack/drink should be sent. Due to allergy issues, children are NOT allowed to share food with their classmates.

Class Dismissal: Students must complete the congregational Dhuhr salat (part of the curriculum) and will then be dismissed back to their classes. Parents must come to the classroom to collect their child (s) and that is when the teacher will dismiss the student. If you need to pick up your child early, you must notify the teacher and send a note with your child.

Dress Code Policy as stated in our Handbook: we expect parents to make sure your children are adhering to the school policy dress code (details stated in our Handbook). To summarize, the girls should come with a head cover and legs covered, and the boys must wear at least half-sleeve shirts (no sleeveless) and pants (no shorts) to school. Children learn by example, thus, all parents are also required to observe the dress code policy. Please keep in mind that the school is being held in a masjid, and the ENTIRE building is considered to be the masjid. The parents shall respect the masjid etiquettes and rules regarding dress code and be properly covered when entering the masjid to pick up or drop off their children. The school will issue notices to the parents if this is not being followed.

Discipline: We are very strict regarding discipline and will not tolerate any misbehavior. Students are expected to behave, show manners, and be respectful in the masjid and to their teachers at all times. Bad language, fighting, and bad bathroom etiquette will not be tolerated. Damages to the building will be charged to the parent. We have a pink discipline form, and it is a “three strikes and you’re out” rule. First offense is verbal, second is a meeting with the principal, and recess detention for one month in the office, and third offense will result in a suspension or permanent dismissal.

Classroom/Electronic Rules: There is no food, drink, gum, or shoes in the classroom. No electronics or cell phones are allowed in Sunday school for any reason. Students can use the school phone if they need to reach you.

Parties: The school will provide two Eid pizza parties for all the students in the cafeteria. Dates are on the calendar; please do not send a lunch on those days. We do not celebrate birthdays, so please do not send treats with your child.

Address/Phone/Emergency Contact Changes: If you, or your emergency contact move, change your home or cell number, please notify the teacher and administrator immediately. It is very important that the school always has current contact information on record in case we need to reach you in case of an emergency.

Parent Volunteers are strongly encouraged and needed! However, parents are not allowed to stay in the classroom “to help”. We encourage you to fill out a teacher application, if you would like to teach or be a substitute, or become involved in our Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO). The more volunteers, the better!